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Erica Oram: The View From Here

Erica has had a keen interest in photography since the late 1990's, originally working exclusively in colour slides before moving into digital photography relatively late compared to many. She is a member of Sheffield Photographic Society, Gamma Photoforum and the London Salon of Photography, and also an active camera club lecturer and a PAGB accredited judge. Her photography is mostly centred around landscape, pictorial and street photography.

This talk, The View From Here, is about making the most of limited time for photography. Erica enjoys the challenge of finding less obvious subjects and compositions to make images which are a bit different in relatively 'everyday' situations and places. She likes to use her photography to make a personal interpretation of 'whatever is in front of me', using colour, movement, light, shape, composition and simplicity to their best advantage. She particularly likes finding images which tell a story, convey a mood, ask a question or otherwise make you think.

For more details about Erica's work, please visit her flickr page

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Wed, 08 Feb 2023
19:30 - 21:30 (add to calendar)
Poppleton Centre (directions)
Guest Speaker

© 2024 York Photographic Society

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